Taking a break

After just one entry this log takes a break. A scheduled break, bound to end in five to six days. For a very simple reason, explained in a very convoluted manner.

How this website was built

In the first post I mentioned the stack behind the website:

  1. the build tool SvelteKit

  2. the hosting service GitHub Pages

You could discuss down the node packages and highlight further:

  • gray-matter to parse YAML front matter

  • markdown-it to parse markdown into browser-friendly HTML

  • shiki to highlight code fences

Why the shopping list? For a very simple reason: I do not plan to write about the topic any further.

This application has a landing page and a blog-like section. Fingers crossed, they both work.

How the application works is beside the point. You will be thankful if you care about the actual topic, much less so if you were really interested in a detailed write-up of data fetching and Svelte syntax. At least you got a deluge of technical information early on, and a reason to stop reading already.

What is the point of this website


Playing games, making games, learning how to make, and how to play?, games.

I first approached game development with CS50 intro to game development, creating clones of 2D games as well as my little own experiments with Lua and Love2D.

It is a topic which honestly fascinates me, a topic which unfortunately fell out of rotation as I started working on "more serious" applications, and a topic I plan to cover deliberately over the weekend.

Hence, this entry.

Therefore, the break.

It is currently 22.41 of a chilly Sunday, and while I'm slowly, dangerously approaching the point of breaking the premise, I commit to a new article next Saturday, most likely with something more interesting to say. Perhaps with even something more entertaining to share.